
How to Repair Windows Vista Without a CD
Although you can repair a computer that uses the Windows Vista operating system with a repair disc, the disc is not necessary to perform the repair as long as Startup Repair is pre-installed on your computer. Many computers that run on Windows Vista do have Startup Repair pre-installed. Repairing the Vista computer using Startup Repair is a fairly simple process, although it can take several minutes to complete.

How to Run Startup Repair for Vista
Windows Vista comes with the following set of system recovery options: Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and Command Prompt. Excluding Windows Complete PC Restore--a utility not included with Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic or Windows Vista Home Premium--all versions of Windows Vista include these diagnostic and repair tools.

How to check and repair corrupt system files in Windows Vista Home
During the average lifespan of a computer, it's normal for you to have to troubleshoot your operating system. Some very lucky computer users will never know what this is like, but most people will encounter a virus or other less-serious error that affects the structure of Windows Vista. In these circumstances, you may need to check the system files for Vista, and Windows itself has you covered: Microsoft included a helpful utility called the System File Checker to do just this.

How to remove Windows 7 Internet security 2012
Win 7 Internet Security 2012 is a rogue antispyware program that was recently noticed on the Internet. The program uses Trojans in order to get access to random computer system. To be more precise, Win 7 Internet Security 2012 infiltrates only into those computers running Windows 7 operating system, but it can change its name to Vista Internet Security 2012 or XP Internet Security 2012 and then infect respectively Windows Vista and Windows XP. However, Win 7 Internet Security 2012 is concentrated on infecting systems running Windows 7.

How to Remove AutoRun Viruses From Vista
AutoPlay, a feature of Autorun, automatically reads the content of a USB drive upon inserting the removable media into the USB slot. Windows Vista will then, by default, launch any audio, video or setup files contained on the USB drive. Viruses and other malware exploit Autorun and AutoPlay to spread viruses contained on the USB drive and infect the hard drive of any computer that accesses the removable media's contents. However, you can use Command Prompt to manually remove Autorun viruses from Windows Vista.

How to Get Rid of a Trojan Virus on Windows Vista
A Trojan virus is a virus that is designed to hide inside another program, much like the legendary Trojan Horse. It activates when you run what appears to be the legitimate program. Before it activates, it is unlikely that you will know the virus even exists. But once the virus activates, it will act and behave like any other virus, attempting to destroy your programs, memory, or computer in whatever manner it was programmed. If you ever think you have a Trojan virus, follow these steps to get rid of it.

How to Install Windows 7 on Virtual PC
Windows 7, so named because it is the seventh operating system in the Microsoft Windows product line, offers a number of features to make the OS easy to use. These features are are designed to improve the overall customer experience. However, some users may not be ready to commit themselves to abandoning their current operating system in favor of Windows 7. Instead, they may wish to install a virtualized version of Windows 7 using Microsoft's Virtual PC software. Fortunately, the process of installing Windows 7 on Microsoft Virtual PC is fairly straightforward and takes about the same amount of time as a standard operating system installation.
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How to Tell if I Have a Static or Dynamic IP Address
The Internet Protocol (abbreviated as IP) address is a numeric value typically presented in the dot-decimal format (for example, that identifies each website or computer in the Internet. A static IP address, once assigned to a computer, remains fixed and never changes. If a computer is configured to use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) you automatically get a dynamic IP address each time you log into the network. If you plan to set up a web or email server make sure the computer has the static IP address.