How to Jailbreak a PS3 With a TI-84

Numerous exploits have been created to jailbreak the PlayStation 3 since its release. Jailbreaking allows you to use the PS3 to run other operating systems, install homemade programs and more. You can load jailbreaking software onto your TI-84 calculator and use it to jailbreak your PS3 via a USB connection.


Things You'll Need

  •  USB A to USB mini-B cable
  •  TI-84 Calculator
  •  PSFreedom

Download and install OpeniBoot and PSFreedom onto your TI-84 calculator.

Connect the USB A to USB mini-B cable to your TI-84 calculator.

Unplug your PS3 and connect the TI-84 calculator to your console with the USB cable. Plug your PS3 back into the power supply.

Launch PSFreedom on your TI-84 calculator.

Press the "Power" button on your PS3 quickly followed by the "Eject" button and wait for the TI-84 to finish running PSFreedom.

Tips & Warnings

Jailbreaking your PS3 is not illegal, but it can damage your console, void your warranty and negate your access to the PlayStation Network.

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