How to Get Rid of Viruses on a Mac

While it's highly unlikely your Mac has a virus, following these simple steps will ensure your system stays healthy.


Clean Out Your System!

1 Don't panic. Know that Mac OS X is a much more secure system than any version of Windows. Hackers who make viruses know that 90% of computers in the world run Windows and target their viruses accordingly. Still, it is possible that your Mac has a nasty virus--especially if you're running Windows on it. By updating your software as described in the next step, you can ensure you have the latest security updates installed.

2 Updating Software in Mac OS X
If you suspect a virus has infected your computer, your first step should always be to update your system's software. To perform a software update, click on the Apple menu at the top left corner of your screen and select "Software Update." Your Mac will communicate with Apple's servers and advise you whether any software needs updating. Pay special attention to "Security Updates." Install any software updates found. You will have to enter your password to install new software.

3 If you've updated your software and still suspect a virus, you need to take things to the next level. Commercial software is available that will analyze your system for viruses. Such software, while necessary in Windows environments, is much less so in Mac environments. Major Windows anti-virus software manufacturers like Norton offer Mac versions of their wares for a fee. There are also free alternatives like ClamXav (

4 Once you've purchased or downloaded anti-virus software, install and run it. The software will scan your system for infected files and allow you to quarantine or eliminate them. Check your system for viruses weekly.

5 Stay safe! Ensure that you update your system and anti-virus software regularly. Weekly updates to system software and daily updates to anti-virus software are recommended.

Tips & Warnings

You can set up your Mac to update its software daily, weekly, or monthly in the "Software Update" panel of the "System Preferences" application accessible from the Apple Menu. Weekly updates are recommended.

If your Mac is also running Windows, the Windows system will still be vulnerable to viruses. Update your Windows and Anti-virus software.

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